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Sleep Well Forte 60s’ x 2 Twin Pack


Overcome Sleep Difficulties


MAL 18076032T



With every purchase of SLEEP WELL FORTE 60s Twin Pack



Pack Size

60s' x 2 Twin Pack

Item Type

SKU: QG185BWW Categories: ,


  • Promote restful sleep                                  
  • Natural                                   
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Suitable for vegetarians
  • Wake up refreshed, rejuvenated & alert in the morning
  • Beneficial in the treatment of sleeping difficulties

Overcome Sleep Difficulties to Sleep Better

Do you often wake up prematurely? Experiencing irregular sleep? Tossing and turning in bed?

You may have sleep difficulty. Sleep difficulties are increasing in today’s modern living time due to our hectic lifestyles, compounded or made worse by family, relationships, financial, and health problems.

There are numerous factors which contribute to sleep difficulties. Examples are shift work, jet lag, poor sleep hygiene, leisure activities during resting hours (e.g. city night life, internet) and increasing age (50 years old and above).

Sleep Well Forte containing Withania somnifera and balm leaf encourages tranquil slumber and assisting the body to fall asleep.

Sleep Well Forte helps with a good night’s sleep so you’ll wake up well-rested and refreshed the next day. Sleep soundly all night to start the next day with refuelled energy levels. A good night’s rest replenishes your body’s energy levels and gets you geared up for the day ahead. You’ll be ready to take on the world when you wake up. Getting relaxing, restful sleep every night helps you live up to your full potential and perform better in life. Sleep peacefully and contently all night long to wake up brimming with energy.

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KKLIU 1459/2021 (Ad expiry date: 31 Dec 2023)


Active Ingredient Per Capsule Strength
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract 300 mg
Balm leaf (Melissa officinalis) powder extract 100mg

Direction For Use

Take 2 capsules daily

What's in the box

1 x Sleep Well Forte 60s’ x 2 Twin Pack